Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This is what 30 looks like . . .

It has been nearly a month since I turned 30 and boy,  it is already amazing. 
The last 20 days have been chock full of . . . 
…daring baby girls in tutus...

…4 year olds in unders with bug bites . . .

…training wheels...

…styling little ladies...

…afternoons with cousins...

…sleepy drives home...

…lessons from Bomber on how to rock 'Silver'...

…hide and seek...

…letting the wind blow through your hair...

…balloons and teddy bears...

…cuddles with Papa...


…horses in the yard...

…napping in the park...

…and moments of mediation.

Life couldn't be better!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Pop Pops

Happy Birthday Pop Pops! We are thankful that you get to spend so much time with us.

So much love.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

foxtrot tried his foot as soccer

So, at this point in foxtrot's life, he is a non-conformist. And is also isn't so into team sports. He enjoyed soccer practice, when everybody had a turn, but in the games, he tended to hang out on the side of the field that did not have the ball. He mostly made missile and car noises as the kids ran past him. And when the ball did happen to graze his toes, he just waited for it to pass.

Here he is getting after it at practice.

Feeling the wind in his hair.

But, in the games. . . . not so much action.

He really liked getting his trophy. But he asked, "why doesn't mine have a pony tail?"

Monday, September 8, 2014

family summer fun

As summer bounces to an end and the daylight hours are getting shorter, I find that I have more time to look through the thousands of photos we took this summer. It was a very busy summer filled with travel, soccer (more to come on that), hiking, swimming, camping, and some relaxing. It was great. But one of the best things about this summer was getting to spend it with family. Check out photos from our  hike to Cascade Pass and picnic to Baker Lake.

The next photo was too cute not to share….

Tango loves the chickens. She beelines it for the coop when she gets outside.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Guess who we got to meet.


We got to spend some time in Orlando with my most dear friend and her family. We always pick up right where we left off. While we were there, we traveled to the Disney theme parks. I am pretty sure, that I enjoyed the parks the most. Foxtrot was not so impressed with the characters and princesses like I thought he would be. He told everyone, "they're just actors." But he sure did LOVE the rides. That kid rode on any ride he was tall enough to ride. And Tango, she loved her new friend, Lima, and developed a huge crush on Mickey and his pals. And Boy oh Boy, do I have to hand it to Papa Foxtrot. He is a champ. He shlepped that giant double stroller with a fixed front wheel all over and he didn't complain once. Want to see some photos? I thought so!

First of all, do not take babies on red eye flights, or else everyone will be exhausted the next day.

It's okay though, a little thumb sucking and everyone will make it through. 

Did I tell you I was the MOST excited to go to Disney?

Tango was interested.

Foxtrot was hesitant.

The next generation of best friends.

The attention to detail in the Disney parks was incredible!

Dinning by Deb! 

Our hotel, 'The Sheraton', had a PIRATE SHIP! Foxtrot loved it and became very comfortable in the water.

Lima had fun in the water, too!

Foxtrot got a sweet new dinosaur brush on this trip and has been into doing his hair.

So stinkin' sweet.

Yumm Yumm Yumm!

Foxtrot's 4th year will be known as the year that "he didn't pose for a photo."

Check out those thighs on Lima!

Oh NO!! Honey, we shrunk Foxtrot.

Foxtrot and Papa were into all the Star Wars scenes.

Love this photo!

and this one, too!!



Foxtrot and his first 'girlfriend.'

I really did love Disney,

even at midnight!
(I highly recommend Disney at night; so magical!)

Shanny, thank you for such a wonderful adventure! You are a blessing!