Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This is what 30 looks like . . .

It has been nearly a month since I turned 30 and boy,  it is already amazing. 
The last 20 days have been chock full of . . . 
…daring baby girls in tutus...

…4 year olds in unders with bug bites . . .

…training wheels...

…styling little ladies...

…afternoons with cousins...

…sleepy drives home...

…lessons from Bomber on how to rock 'Silver'...

…hide and seek...

…letting the wind blow through your hair...

…balloons and teddy bears...

…cuddles with Papa...


…horses in the yard...

…napping in the park...

…and moments of mediation.

Life couldn't be better!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Pop Pops

Happy Birthday Pop Pops! We are thankful that you get to spend so much time with us.

So much love.