Friday, January 28, 2011

King of the Wild Things

Many of you know Maddie and Maxx, our two very adorable village dogs from Alaska. Since little Foxtrot arrived Maddie has been in love with him. She will cuddle up with him and let him pet her. Maxx on the other hand wanted nothing to do with him, until yesterday.

It was a lovely day on the farm, mid 50's and sunny. I took advantage of the day by doing some gardening and lawn work. I sat Foxtrot on the ground and he swept his hands through the wet grass from the rain the day before. He picked up sticks and attempted to eat them. His fingernails were black with dirt. While I had my back turned, sowing some seeds, I heard a giggle. I turned to see Maxx sitting right along side of Foxtrot with his paw on Foxtrot's knee.

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