Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another Jam

No pictures. No story. Just another delicious jam with freshly picked sun ripened blackberries.

Blackberry Ginger Jam

14 cups of blackberries (I didn't mash them before I measured and everything seemed to work out fine)
6 inches of ginger finely grated
7 teaspoons of pectin
14 tablespoons of lime juice
5 cups sugar
14 teaspoons of calcium water
2 dozen pieces of crystalized ginger

Pretty much the same drill as my earlier post found here. Same idea, different fruit. One exception. Right before the fruit with the pectin comes to its second boil, I added in the crystalized ginger pieces. Let the fruit with the extra ginger come to its final boil, remove from heat, and put it in your sanitized jars.

I think we now have 2 dozen jars of jam laying around and the blackberries are just getting started. Does anybody have a good blackberry jam recipes they would like to share?

Now in the crock pot is a batch of apple butter. I'll tell you about that later.

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