Sunday, April 20, 2014

tulip time

It's April in the Skagit Valley and that means the tulips are in full bloom. Photos of these blooms have been floating around the internet as part of the top ten things to see in America. The color is vibrant! You can't help but snap a few photos.
So sweet.

Kid's got style.

And he likes to jump!

She's as cute as a button.

And he could not keep his nose out of the flowers.

As he kept running up and down the rows, she kept her eye out for him.

He really loved to study the flowers. 

And he loved to tell Tango all about the tulips.

All she wanted to do was eat the dirt.

Here she is, going for another clump.

They look pretty content with life.

We got a stranger to take our photo (Papa was at work).

All of these photos really do not need captions. . .

But, maybe YOU can think of your own caption for this one.

That's right, YOU! 
AND maybe you want to come see the tulips next April! 
We'd love to have you come stay with us!

Maybe Foxtrot will give you a ride on his tractor.

Or maybe you'll get sweet sunny kisses through the fence railings.


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