Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Easter Croup

We had "the croup" last week. Both Tango and Foxtrot took turns having high fevers, a nasty seal bark cough, and sleepless nights. At this point, Papa Foxtrot and I are wondering what 5 hours of sleep . . . a continuous 5 hours of sleep. . . feels like. 

Despite the sickness we found some time to take some pictures.

Untle Pete bounced on the trampoline with Foxtrot.

 And he was electrified with happiness.

We got a package from Pop-Pops which Tango was excited about.

Papa built some awesome lego castles with Foxtrot . . . or by himself.

Tango longed to go outside.

Mom found some time to stop and rest.

This is Foxtrot's 'game face.' He was ready to go look for the bunnies.

And he was hot on their trails. He even spotted some bunny eggs.

"Which way did they go, George?"

Ah-Ha! Here they are! Foxtrot found the gifts left by the bunny.

Tango was so sick, she didn't have much excitement to give over the discovery of the Bunny Baskets.

But, a little while later, they both got into it.

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