Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Break on Vaca Negra Farm

 Papa Foxtrot and Granimal have spring break this week and so there is a lot of activity on the Vaca Negra Farm. The rain clouds have parted for a few days and that means the garden is getting planted. Foxtrot is a great garden buddy. This week he inherited some of Papa Foxtrot's old toy trucks and has been having a blast running them through the newly turned soil.

And after all the fun Foxtrot had in the garden the mail lady came with Foxtrot's new ride. Papa Foxtrot and I debated over the best type of carrier to go with and he and I decided that this Yepp Mini Front Bicycle Child Carrier would give him quite the ride.  We figured if the Dutch are doing it this way, then it must be safe. 
He wasn't all to crazy about the helmet or the seat. . . .

at first. Then he LOVED it.

He giggled the whole way around the yard and on our short bike trip to the river. I see more bike trips tomorrow.

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