Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pop Pops

A lot happened this week. 
Foxtrot threw the hammer down.

Papa Foxtrot started working on some new techniques. 
(This is only a small piece of the painting.)

Foxtrot got his first bloody nose.

Pop Pops came to play.

Foxtrot learned all about cowboys at a toddler cowboy party.
(Outfitted by Aunt Peter.)

Pop Pops and Foxtrot bonded.

Three generations of Foxtrots walked hand in hand.

And I woke up next to this guy, who when I went to sleep had a full beard.

And then later he looked like this.
(He finished the haircut and now looks young and handsome.)

It's April already. Must get some seeds in the ground. It's a good thing Foxtrot loves the dirt. 

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