Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far

Foxtrot got a package yesterday from Lainie. Inside was the cutest little knit hat. Lainie has been crafting Foxtrot hats since Christmas, but Foxtrot's noggin is growing so fast (it must be all the brain food he has been eating) that they have only been fitting for a short time. But this one. This is a keeper. It's a little Rasta, a little Parisian, and a lot adorable. The colors are great, too.

While Lainie was knitting up Foxtrot a little present. I was crocheting a little Gnome hat for a new Foxtrot friend that is on the way. Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the baby shower because we have been sleep training. (Regular nap times, putting him down awake, letting him cry for a while.) Up until last night Papa Foxtrot and I had not gotten more than 3 hours of sleep at a time for a month and a half. But last night that little bugger slept for 8 hours. I feel like a new woman. 

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